PC(USA) News and Announcements

World Central Kitchen resuming Gaza operations

World Central Kitchen, which last week honored seven colleagues killed …

차기 총회 정서기로 지명된 오지현 목사

제226회 총회 대의원들이 오 목사 지명에 대해서 이번 여름 투표할 것이다

La Rvda. Jihyun Oh es la candidata a la Secretaría Permanente de la Asamblea General

Comisionados a la 226a Asamblea General votarán en la nominación de Oh este verano.

The Rev. Jihyun Oh is the nominee to be the next Stated Clerk of the General Assembly

Commissioners to the 226th General Assembly will vote on Oh’s nomination this summer

Churches in Colombia work for peace and reconciliation

In Colombia, the Protestant evangelical churches and Christian organizations that …